‘Thong Song’ was motivated by the universe – Sisqo
In an interview with Sammy Forson on Route919 on Live FM, he stated the inspiration behind the song.
“It was one of those situations where you just capture a moment. I was fortunate to listen to the universe and got the idea to write the song.”
The song, released in 1999 got 4 Grammy nominations. and won several awards as well. It peaked at number 3 on Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart.
Sisqo and the Dru Hill headlined the, 2015 Back In The Day Concert which took place at the Accra International Conference Center on Saturday, December 19.
Ghanaian acts including Obour, Akatakyie, Dasebre Dwamena, Nana Quame, Scizo and Azaase Aban supported them.
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