this Sunday, the church calls our attention to a very important
Christian virtue, HUMILITY. It is an attribute and quality of God which
all his children must strive to possess and live.
The first reading(Sir. 3:17-18,20) is a candid advice from the preacher. He gives us the key to a successful fellowship with God, and of course, with one another. He advises us: "Behave humbly and you will find favor with the Lord." This is absolutely right. Humility was a distinctive mark of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ our Lord. So, it must also be for us as Christians. The preacher also reminds us that pride is a malady. However, the good news is that, it can be cured through the imitation of Christ's humility.
The second reading(Hen.12:18-19,22-24a)
reminds us that our destination is Mount Zion,the heavenly Jerusalem, and the city of the living God. In this city, only the humble like the Angles and saints can dwell there. Certainly, the proud cannot because, a proud heart cannot worship the Lord. Furthermore, in this city " everyone is a first born and a true citizen." Hence, as citizens of this city we must cloth ourselves with humility just just like our Mediator.
The gospel( Luke. 14:1,7-14) takes us to the climax of today's good
news. Christ exhorts us: "...Everyone who exalts him himself will be
humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted." Jesus teaches
the importance of humility and simplicity in our Christian journey. In
this regard, we have a lot to learn from the Blessed Virgin Mary who
humbled herself. Her humility was so remarkable that God exalted her to
be the Mother of His son.
Mary attested to this through her magnificent: "My soul glorifies the lord ... for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant...He has brought down rulers from their thrones and has lifted up the humble " ( Lk. 1, 47. 59). Therefore, there is no reason to wonder why Christ was humble. He had humble parents and learnt humility from them.
There is nothing to lose by being humble. Proverbs tells us that: "Humility and the fear of the lord brings wealth,honor, and life" ( Prov. 22, 4). On the contrary, pride results in defeat and shame. Any spiritual life that is not based on humility will definitely be an empty one.
Finally, the church teaches us that: "Humility is the foundation of prayer." Only a humble heart can come to God in prayer. A humble person is always ready to ask for guidance from God and others.
May the peace of the Christ be with you all. Amen
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The first reading(Sir. 3:17-18,20) is a candid advice from the preacher. He gives us the key to a successful fellowship with God, and of course, with one another. He advises us: "Behave humbly and you will find favor with the Lord." This is absolutely right. Humility was a distinctive mark of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ our Lord. So, it must also be for us as Christians. The preacher also reminds us that pride is a malady. However, the good news is that, it can be cured through the imitation of Christ's humility.
The second reading(Hen.12:18-19,22-24a)
reminds us that our destination is Mount Zion,the heavenly Jerusalem, and the city of the living God. In this city, only the humble like the Angles and saints can dwell there. Certainly, the proud cannot because, a proud heart cannot worship the Lord. Furthermore, in this city " everyone is a first born and a true citizen." Hence, as citizens of this city we must cloth ourselves with humility just just like our Mediator.
Mary attested to this through her magnificent: "My soul glorifies the lord ... for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant...He has brought down rulers from their thrones and has lifted up the humble " ( Lk. 1, 47. 59). Therefore, there is no reason to wonder why Christ was humble. He had humble parents and learnt humility from them.
There is nothing to lose by being humble. Proverbs tells us that: "Humility and the fear of the lord brings wealth,honor, and life" ( Prov. 22, 4). On the contrary, pride results in defeat and shame. Any spiritual life that is not based on humility will definitely be an empty one.
Finally, the church teaches us that: "Humility is the foundation of prayer." Only a humble heart can come to God in prayer. A humble person is always ready to ask for guidance from God and others.
May the peace of the Christ be with you all. Amen
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